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Management Committee 校管会

校管会成员 (2006-2007): 冯伍虎(主席),纪伟(副主席和教学),曾磷(财务),毛宁涛(秘书),张莎(文体),章萍(图书馆),李毅(快讯编辑),罗智捷( 顾问)。

Management Committee(2006-2007):Dr. FENG Wuhu(Chair), Dr. JI Wei (Vice-Chair, Teaching and Learning), Mrs ZENG Lin (Treasurer), Dr MAO Ningtao (Secretary and health&safty officer),Dr ZHANG Sha (Cultural Activities), Mrs. ZHANG Ping (Librarian and Child protection officer) and Dr. LI Yi (Communication Officer), Dr. Zhijie Luo (Advisor).

PHGS 代表: Mr Christopher Lillington, Assistant Headteacher, Language College, Prince Henry's Grammar School.

PHGS Representative: Mr Christopher Lillington, Assistant Headteacher, Language College, from Prince Henry's Grammar School.

中文学校财务顾问(finance advisor):易水兴先生,英国特许会计师 (FCCA, Fellow of Chartered Certified Accountant)

联络地址:Sui Hing Yik (易水兴) B.A., FCCA.

Aster House,29 Barthorpe Crscent, Leeds LS17 5PE

Tel: 0113 2666638 Mobile: 07799078009







LCCA 2007/2008

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